Wednesday 27 April 2016

Solar cell breakthrough fulfils Scientist's dream


  • Scientists at the University of NSW using non-toxic and abundant materials
  • Produced thin-film solar cells
  • Large-scale solar farms 
  • Dr Hao and her team used range of surfaces
  • Solar industry demands
  • Existing silicon-cell boosting the efficiency to 30% or higher

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Global warming hitting Harbour Corals


  • Devastating bleaching Corals
  • First time Corals bleaching in Sydney Harbour
  • Around 45% Corals bleaching out
  • Corals suffer from starvation and disease
  • Sunlight and temperature damage Corals
  • Badly affected from bleaching impact to climate change in the world


              Researchers said devastating bleaching of Corals in the Great Barrier Reef has extended to all the way to Sydney Harbour. A recent months marine heat wave has raised several degrees of the Harbour water temperature.

              Moreover, marine biologists from the University of Technology Sydney and Macquarie University said that Corals are bleaching in Sydney Harbour for the first time.

              According to Samantha Goyen, a PhD candidate at UTS studying Corals,45% of the corals in the studies are start bleaching out. 
              Parasites supply corals to nutrients but corals under stress expel these parasite and the corals does not receive the nutrient leading to corals suffer starvation and disease.   
            Sunlight and warm temperature can damage on corals. That condition is linked to global warming and are indicator of the climate change in the world.

            Sydney water down to Tasmania will increase temperature more than other areas. The main part of the northern end of the Great Barrier Reef has been badly affected from bleaching.That can be impact on all the way to Coffs Harbour. That is why, important to pay attention to this bleaching.